personality test

this quiz may or may not guess your personality just take it and find out. as i already said this might not work just warning you. #imnotsponsoredsodontsendhate.

hope you enjoy and no im not sponsored this is just something for fun so dont take it seriously and just have fun seriously though dont take my words too seriously you peeps.

Created by: Georgina Edwards
  1. do you like junk food?
  2. do you like animals?
  3. would you kill yourself if someone you love died?
  4. would you go on holiday if it rained the entire trip?
  5. would you freak out if there were aliens in your house?
  6. would you accept a new mansion with fancy furniture and a free 5 star buffet from a stranger??
  7. finally,do you like films of any genre?
  8. how do you feel about making out with a stranger?
  9. do you like beaches?
  10. do you have friends?

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