Paul's Journeys Quiz

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Paul does many things out of admiration and dedication to his Lord, many like he does on his journeys to spread his word and his ways, to show the people that there is another way.

In this quiz you will test your knowledge about Paul's journeys and the things he did for his savior. To spread put knowledge and faith to the non-beleivers and beleivers of other faiths.

Created by: Danie
  1. Where was Timothy from?
  2. Who accompanied Paul on his first journey?
  3. Where did Paul and his companions go first after they left the church in Antioch?
  4. What gods did the people mistake Paul and Barnabas for?
  5. Who accompanied Paul on his second journey?
  6. What did Barnabas and Paul disagree about?
  7. What was the purpose of the second journey?
  8. What religion was Timothy's mother?
  9. Where was the man from in Paul's vision during his second journey?
  10. What was Lydia's occupation?
  11. Who chose Barnanbas to travel with Paul?
  12. What were Paul and Barnanbas invited to do in Antioch?
  13. How was the "door of faith" opened to the Gentiles?
  14. What false doctrine did the men from Judea teach?
  15. How did the brethren react to Barnabas and Paul?
  16. Why were Paul and Barnanbas sent to Antioch to deliver?
  17. Who accompanied Paul and Barnabas to deliver the letter?
  18. Where was Lydia from?
  19. What happened in the prison at night that set Paul and Silas free?
  20. What was the possessed slave girl's unnatural ability?

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