online sorting hat

My description of my quiz/test is: a easy two-four answer . I wanted to create it for the so many Harry Potter Fans who would like to know what house they`re in.

Do you know what Hogwarts House you are in? If not, then come on and take this test to find out what house you could be in. I sure hope that you are satisfied with your house.

Created by: will
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. About how old are you
  2. How do your friends consider could as
  3. How do your friends consider could as
  4. Are you in a relationship
  5. Are you a thief
  6. Are you smart
  7. Have you been in a fight
  8. Which house would you prefer to be in
  9. Which of the four founders do you like best
  10. Who do you like better
  11. Have you been to England
  12. Have you tasted butterbeer

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