Onedirection Quiz

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So. My quiz is all about One direction. The better you know them, The better you percent will be. Are you a big enough fan to get 100% or will you get a lower?

Well, Taking my quiz will show you how much of a fan you are to them. So if you want to ace, You better study first! Because you could be 100% or below..

Created by: Sydnee

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is house hunting?
  2. Who wants their first kid to be a girl?
  3. Who cried while watching Finding nemo?
  4. If Niall wasn't in the band he would be a what?
  5. Harrys favorite drink is..
  6. Does Zayn Smoke?
  7. If harry had the chance who would he date?
  8. Zayn Doesnt like his..
  9. Zayn had his first kiss when he was..
  10. Harry has how many nipples

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