OMG HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!! | Comments

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  • i hate ur quiz, how u gone do done is makes quiz if yous not make quiz right.

  • Don't it's my problem.

  • suicide? oh god. i feel bad now. feel better bluemoon23. (T_T)

  • I didn't mean to be so harsh though

  • But it doesn't matter :|

  • @bluemoon23: im sorry. and what "problem"? i can try to help if you want.

  • Are you happy you made me cry amd think about...nevermind

  • I-i did-n't m-mean t-to o-ffend y-y-you :'(

  • No one should treat you bad because you're a human who should be loved like the rest of us and you are loved and always will be. I do not mean to offend i am very sorry i posted i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry...

  • Look i'm not being judgmental. I'm christian and the bible says it's wrong. I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything like that i mean you don't know about my 'problem' but trust me i'm not trying to be judgemental or offensive. And God lets you because what you do is your choice. He will not make your decisions. It's your choice. I'm not saying you are a bad person or anything. I just don't agree with the lifestyle that's all. I'm not gonna tell you my problem unless you ask and you won't care which'll make it worse. I was afraid to post because of this but i felt like God wanted me to.

  • lol wrrd what HateMyself said im not a crazy stalker my email is [no emails] :D if u need any advice :D

  • lol wrrd what HateMyself said im not a crazy stalker my email is [no emails]

  • Hey guys thanks.

    @bluemoon2 3: if god made men for women, then why can we still be bi? and you are being judgmental.

    @hatem yself:XD thanks.

    @stardanny : thats nice oc you considering i dont really know u.

    @firey_soul: wow. you r my favorite author. thanks for the advice.

    @evryone else: i am going to tell my dad RIGHT NOW.

  • Tons of people are bi. There's no issue with that. People might look at you differently, but if someone's a truely good person, they won't. No one should be afraid of their sexuality. You don't have to tell everyone at once. Maybe tell parents then friends you can really trust? Just ignore bullies if you can, but if it gets too bad, tell your guidance councelor.

  • Hm, well I haven't gone through the same thing you're going through myself, but I think I can help. Actually many of my friends are bisexual and they openly admit it. (my ex-boyfriend was bi and he even borrowed my bracelet that says 'I love boys' a few times, no joke!) Sometimes my friends get bullied, and you know what they do? They just ignore it cuz they don't give a crap! I think that's what you should do, don't worry about what people think. And you don't have to tell everyone this, but your close friends will probably find out eventually... and if they are true friends, then they will accept you for who you are. If they don't, then they aren't worth it. I hope my advise helped. :)

  • Okay, so it's true, people will look at you WAY differently. Some will make fun of you, other's won't give a s---. I think that being bi is kind of...let's say...unusual, but don't take it in a bad way. I think that you should just do the right thing. I guess that if you tell anyone, they will never understand how you feel. Telling a really close friend of parent might help though.

    I feel like I keep blabbering nonsense__ just try to pick up some message from my "letter."

  • sorry. (remove the spaces!)
    It's pepsi lover 976@ gmail. com.

    And dont worry. I'm not some psycho stalker. XD

  • Dude.

    If you start to get bullied just because you like both sexes, then just forget those people. Don't let them slow you down or cause you to hurt yourself. They are just inconsderate imbeciles that forget that what they say hurts you. And if you ever need any advice or just a shoulder to cry on, please email me. (remove the dashes: [no emails])

  • Just be yourself. You don't have to tell anyone, unless you want to. And if you do tell your friends and they don't want to be friends with you, then FORGET THEM! A real friend will follow you to the ends of the earth and won't care what you look like or how you act or what sexuality you are. If you act like you, than your friends and family will acept you. If not, oh well you never wanted to be friends anyway and if family doesn't well, you don't have to interact with them very often do you? Bottom line: Don't become someone your not. Stick to who you are and I'm sure someone somewhere will acept you.

  • P.S facebook = Nicole Rodriguez

    Works at Chum Is FumLives in Corona, New York Born on March 29, 1990

  • I really think its ok if you are, i mean i hang out with not - straight people and i dont look at them differently . You shouldn't be ashamed of what you are cause that's what make you,well.. you :) dont be afraid of telling but if some1 starts taking s--- bout u facebook me and i KILL THE SH**T OUTTA THEM!! lol jk but ill go2 them n ask them wtf their problem is.

  • i think you just dont show it off like i have unwanted hair ( like a manabrow and a mustash and arpit hair ) and i dont show it off at all even tho my friend know and it spredding it everyone thinks its a lie because i am not showing it! and my friends think that she is a lier so its a win just dont show that off

  • I mean u could like whoever u like And also at the end I 4got 2 right the last part which is that

  • Well, it really depends how deep it is that feeling you have. To be honest, I think you should just let life happen, and when the time does come for you to actually acknowledge your sexuality then you will know it for sure. What the hell is wrong with being bisexual anyway? I'll tell you what, nothing. I have a bisexual friend, and she's only 14, but she's never changed her personality. I think you should do the same, you know, stay yourself, just open up with your choices in life. Don't let other people get in your way either. I don't believe in religion, so I don't think you should let that get in your way either. I don't know, be yourself, try to find who you really are before worrying so much. You're young, chillax, enjoy what life has to offer :)

    Loony Luna
  • I'm pretty sure people will bully u but just ignore them and also ur u and u could like whoever u want to be i hope this helps and by the way me and my friends were just talkin 'bout :)


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