Nothing But Ordinary part 4

Hey so I am REALLY LATE on coming out with the 4th part to my quiz, sorry!!! School has been keeping me pretty busy the questions are longer this time so I hope everyone doesn't mind that.

In part 4 its pretty emotional.Im going to add a new character in part 5 or 6 as a result Im really excited I hope you like part 4 I'm starting to get so many ideas for this series so please just stick with me thanks

Created by: Kawaii_kitty14
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Aiden leaned in and his lips met mine. My heart was beating fast and my thoughts were clouded. His lips were soft and warm, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Everything felt so perfect, so familiar... The sun was setting behind us and the cool breeze gently touched my skin. He pulled away and looked ashamed. I scoffed, "˜"˜Am I really that bad at kissing?'' "˜"˜No of course not! its just''"” its just what?! I exclaimed. "˜"˜Why is everything such a secret with you guys?'' He sighed. "˜"˜"”"”"”"”"” you're from the past.''
  2. Oh my god... I didn't know what to say, but then again what would you say? I walked away from Aiden to go back inside and standing at the door was Chase his eyes were sad and hurt. He saw us kiss he was there the whole time...a wave of guilt washed over me. "˜"˜Chase I'm sor"”..'' "˜"˜No I understand.'' he left Aiden's room and brushed past Ethan "˜"˜Whats his problem?'' I didn't answer because I didn't understand why he was so upset he's not my boyfriend.
  3. I decided to go see if he was okay, I knocked on the door. "˜"˜Come in.'' I opened the door and Chase sat up. "˜"˜Hey.'' i said quietly. "˜"˜Hey.'' "˜"˜Are you okay?'' He started fiddling with his hands. "˜"˜Yeah I guess im just kinda jealous.'' "˜"˜Its okay I understand but we just met today.'' "˜"˜No we've met many times I know you more than you think.'' He gave me a mischievous grin.
  4. I raised an eyebrow, "˜"˜Can you tell me how i'm from the past?'' "˜"˜Well your soul keeps coming back its not like reincarnation because every time you come back you look the same. I let it sink in I'm an old soul I've been 17 before maybe even older I thought. "˜"˜So I've met you, Aiden Ethan and Gavin before?'' Most of us, Gavin was an outsider not a part of us or the hunters.
  5. "˜"˜Oh.. are there more people like you with powers?'' "˜"˜Yeah there's people like us everywhere all over the world.'' "˜"˜Are there more in Portland?'' "˜"˜Of course like I said we're everywhere it's like a race I can tell who is a shifter or not.'' "˜"˜Shifter?.'' "˜"˜That's what others call us because we can shift into different things well... anything with life. animals, different people, plants we can control the elements too.''
  6. "˜"˜That's amazing!'' I looked at him with admiration. "˜'We'll teach you everything you need to know.'' "˜"˜You can teach me?.'' "˜"˜You're a shifter...'' "˜"˜Well when do we start?'' I exclaimed. You'll have to leave everything behind... Your home, your parents your friends.'' "˜"˜Why.. why can't I just- You just can't! You don't understand how dangerous this is if you bring your family into this they will be killed the hunters will stop at nothing to have you.
  7. "˜"˜I do understand, we've moved 14 times in the last 4 years my parents are all I have!'' "˜"˜I'm sorry if I could I would make things different but I can't... would you rather have your parents slaughterd by hunters by bringing them into this or leaving them out and them being safe and alive?'' "˜"˜They would be devastated I'm an only child, but I want them to be safe just let me stay one more night with them.'' "˜'Okay we'll drive you home when its time.'' "˜"˜Ok.''
  8. Chase and I walked downstairs Gavin and Ethan where cooking Pizza. "˜"˜Hey where did Aiden go?'' "˜"˜He went on a walk Chase.'' "˜"˜I guess he'll miss watching movies with "”"”"”"”"”.'' Ethan said jokingly. He'll be back he always does.'' Gavin looked at me assuredly. "˜'What movie do you wanna watch?'' Ethan asked. We have 50 first dates, 21 jump street, Grown Ups, Meet the f---ers, or if you like scary movies we have Insedious.'' "˜"˜I'm up for a scary movie.'' Ok i'll grab blankets. "˜'Chase go make some popcorn.''
  9. Ethan came back with blankets and Chase came with 3 massive bowls of popcorn. "˜"˜Are you guys ready?'' "˜'yep.'' Ethan handed me a big soft white blanket, and I snuggled up with it. Gavin pressed play and everyone got comfy I was on the end of the couch with Ethan next to me and in between us was a bowl of popcorn.
  10. After 30 minutes of clinging onto Ethans arm and screaming my eyes felt heavy and I drifted to sleep. "˜'"”"”"”"”"”, wake up its time to go. I woke up and found myself staring back at Aiden. "˜"˜Oh you're back.'' Yeah sorry about that I just needed some time to think."˜"˜Its okay you don't need to apologize everyone needs some time alone once in a while.'' "˜"˜Thanks.'' I got up and checked the time I wouldn't be late. "˜'Hey Chase can I drive?'' "˜"˜Sure.'' Chase tossed the keys to Ethan and he held them tightly. "”"”"”"”"” gets shotgun. Thats fine with me I grinned but deep down I was being torn apart I can't do this what am I going to do without them? I thought. You can do this we can do this. I looked around and Aiden gave me a warm glance. He read my mind again.
  11. We got in the car and I gave Ethan directions to my house before long we were there. "˜"˜It was fun watching movies with you even though you fell asleep. I had a fun time too, thank you.'' "˜"˜Anytime'', he grinned. I sighed well "˜"˜I'll see you tomorrow.'' "˜"˜See ya.'' "˜"˜Bye "”"”"”"”"”!'' Chase yelled I laughed "˜"˜Bye!'' I walked into my house and felt deeply saddend Chase's words Echoed in my mind "˜"˜You'll have to leave everything behind...'' "˜"˜The Hunters will stop at nothing to have you.'' My life was being taken away from me from people I didn't know, but I will become stronger.

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