New school, new people. The last hero's : Ep.2

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Created by: Katelyn_Lovesyou
  1. Ema/You: Its finally the first day of school I have to hide my powers tho...
  2. Ema/You: Bye Haru! Haru: *whimpers*
  3. Sakura/Me: Hi im Sakura! Welcome to Azabu High school
  4. Sakura/Me: See that girl over there? Yeah her. Her name is Riku
  5. *Bell rings*
  6. Mikayo/Teacher: Hello class......*After class* Sakura/Me: Hey Ema! Riku/Nixon: *Glares at you*
  7. *After school bcuz im lazy af* Ema/You: Haru your wont guess what happened today!
  8. *Knock knock..* Sakura/Me: ITS MEE SAKURA
  9. Sakura/Me: My parents said we could have a sleepover and your parents said we could too!
  10. The next episode will be the Sleepover I hope you enjoyed 😊😊😊❤😊😊😊

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