My shoutout spring 2015

So this is my Shoutout quiz, I hooe you like it please dont get upset with me ifyour not in it I dont remember things very well. I love like everyone on GTQ so yeah.

So this is my Shoutout quiz, I hooe you like it please dont get upset with me ifyour not in it I dont remember things very well. I love like everyone on GTQ so yeah. And all that

Created by: Beverlyreagan
  1. My first shoutout goes to Zankyou315. You are my best friend on GTQ and I love you so much! Your always there for me and I know that if I need to talk to someone even if I have to wait till you come home from school, I can talk to you. Love you Nelly!!
  2. Care_bear19, your a great person to talk to and help me feel great when I'm low. I love you so much and thanks for being there for me!
  3. KELLY BHATTA, I don't know you very well but I think your awesome. Thanks for showing me GTQ town.
  4. Katqueen45, so I don't know you very well at all but I think your pretty awesome and stuff and that.
  5. Pheonix_pharaoh, you are really awesome and I wuv you lol. Thank you so much for showing me the stage and being awesome on GTQtown. Everything is interesting now XD :)
  6. Puppet master12, at first we did nit get along at all but we worked past that and you are one of my greatest friends!
  7. Batman12506, we have not talked very much but your awesome!! We joined the same date and your so nice and yeah your cool lol
  8. Kish, for always helping me on GTQ and your awesome, thanks for the help!!
  9. Marceline 101, I dont really know you but I think we would be great friends!
  10. Scarlet4ever, we dont really talk much anymore but I hope we talk again someday lol
  11. Zurigirl, dont really talk but your cool XD
  12. I probbly left ALOT of people out I love because I have bad membory, so don't feel bad please!

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