Men, How Gross Are You?

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It's time to dive in to the gross phenomenon of manhood. This quiz will tell you whether you are nasty with the best or you couldn't tell your belly button lint from your ear wax.

Don't be afraid to be disgusting in this quiz. These questions will show how filthy you are. Be proud of being a man and all the gross habits that go with it! Fart if you're with me!

Created by: Anthony
  1. Your nose is stuffed with boogers. What will you do?
  2. You're alone and in the mood to release a loud smelly fart you're saving up. How will you do it?
  3. You look down to check your belly button for lint and see some wedged in the crevices of your navel. What will you do?
  4. A burp is building up in your stomach and you're by yourself. What will you do?
  5. You check your body hair. Where does it grow?
  6. You compare belly buttons with the guys in the locker room, a mixture of innies and outies. What kind do you have? Check with some of your guy friends.
  7. You just flush the toilet. What do you do next?
  8. Ear wax bundles up in your ear. What do you do?
  9. Sweat builds up and starts running down your body. What will you do?
  10. You have an itch in your butt. How will you stop the itch?
  11. You and the guys are in a hot tub when you start a contest to see who can fart the most and cause the most bubbles. How do you react?
  12. You have to go to pee but you're in the shower and don't want to get out. What will you do?
  13. You look at your underwear. How clean are they?

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Quiz topic: Men, How Gross am I?

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