make your own ending. | Comments

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  • Your Result: crazy cookies.

    your friend cooks you some cookies and you eat them only to find yourself dancing, singing, laughing and telling crazy jokes and saying you would never say and your friend sets there making fun of you for falling for his prank. what happens next?

    I randomly pick up a knife and say that if they don't eat the cookies too, i'll stab them, and they'll obviously eat the cookie and we could be crazy insane people together!!! =P (Of course, I often act super crazy so my friend won't have to bake cookies)

  • Wow, I got the toy clown, okay, hmmm. Should I flush it down the toilet?

  • Your Result: toy clown.

    your relatives send you a toy clown for christmas so you put the clown on your book shelf then you look away and the clown is on the dinner table you think you are just seeing things and ignore it then you turn aroun again and its on the couch you ignore it again then you look away for a second its on the coffe table. what happens next?

    ill take the clown and smash it and stab it ect. if it doesnt do anything but come back ill wrap it up and give it to my friend and say merry late christmas... no give backs :)

  • Your Result: crazy cookies.

    your friend cooks you some cookies and you eat them only to find yourself dancing, singing, laughing and telling crazy jokes and saying you would never say and your friend sets there making fun of you for falling for his prank. what happens next?

    I randomly pick up a knife and say that if they don't eat the cookies too, i'll stab them, and they'll obviously eat the cookie and we could be crazy insane people together!!! =P (Of course, I often act super crazy so my friend won't have to bake cookies)

  • i don't care becuz that (in real life)
    happens to me all the time

  • hahahahaha i got insomnia from prank phone calls!


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