Madness High pt. 2

This has become more twisted with every step... Can you handle it? Yoi will take a step forward in my twisted mind and meet a few new charectors in this...

Do you Honestly belive that you can handle my twistedness. If you even thought about about that go away. Ok I honest ly have nothing else to say so...

Created by: Ellisianmatters
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok peeps. My email did not show up last time so here it is [ellisian matters @ yahoo .com] (btw no spaces). There is a surprise awaiting...
  2. "Bloody 'ell brother. Do you really not like 'er? Shes gorgeous.!" you heard a very brittish voice ask. I better not open my eyes. "Stay away from her! You tried to kill her! She dosn-" a familiar voice growled. "So is that why you gave 'er that necklace?" the brittish guy cut in. "Well she deserved it! I cant apologise enough for you wolfing out!" "What was I supposed to do! She was on our grounds!" "No she wasnt she lives in the treehouse! She owns all of our hunting land." A sudden overwhelming silence filled the air.You held your breath and at that moment there was a warm soft breathing licking your face. Startled you opened your eyes and found yourself staring into a set of steel gray eyes. Anger that had been silently lurking in your stomach suddenly burned throughout your body and you felt a strong current radiate off of your body and a huge gust of wind force every thing and one flying. You seemed to black out for a moment because you found yourself ten feet in the air with your long black hair moving in fluid motions like snakes and Two overwhelmingly hansom guys clinging onto eachother for dear life. Then you realised they were twins. Damien and Jackson. Then together in a bright flash of light stood a black panther and a sandy brown wolf.
  3. "Ohmigodesiamsososorry." your words blurred together as you descended to the ground. Then the two looked at each other and nodded. Another breif flash of light happened and there stood two of the most cut guys you have ever seen. Naked. You had to mentaly stop yourself from drooling and covered it up with a laugh. They looked confused for a second but then turned bright red.
  4. Jst them an arrow of silver shot through Jacksons hand and all went black... (In dream now) You were walking in a foggy feild- no on clouds when he appeared. He was shocking with his captivating red eyes. He slid his arms around you. "You do not know me but You once did. My godess. My name is Slade and when you wake up you will be back at home. But while your here iI will tell you about the Hunters. First Jennifer (Jenny) Reese she has Long blonde wavy hair, green eyes, slender, skinny (but not REALLY skinny), petite, small (4' 8") and she is friendly, fun, a bit shy but with friends she's outgoing and crazy, and random. One of my best friends. Also she has an... un ballanced side. It is that Jenny can be a real b****. She'll get this creepy smile and look as though she's going to chop your head off. Jenny will also have this thing where she sticks death threats onto people that tick her off's lockers annonomously. Next is Ari she has dark brown hair and violet/brown eyes, aout 5'4. She can be nice, mysterious, abit of the sporty type, always helpful to those she likes. She has these weird flaws like she looks down when shy, nervous, or blushing. If she sees pink she leaves the room or area. Its quite funny actually. Also beware of when you make her mad she threatens you, go to far she pulls out a knife (won't use unless she don't know) and her eyes will darken to look black... Umm, lastly is Savinirah (prefers Savrah) Kinich and she has albino, (white hair pale eyes white skin atc.) Very long white hair (she never cut it in her life) seems starved, about 5'9, and has a She has a dahlia piercing (corner of mouth). Also she has this weird habbit of she hate humanity, when faced with danger she keeps calm and will normally kill who ever is causing it, since she almost never speaks she blinks as answers which creeps people out, she is called insane a lot and she probably is, she has a weapon in all of her pockets, shoes, almost everywhere she can fit one." He pulled away and looked deep into my eyes. "I must tell you I am a Telikinetic." He Quickly placed his lips on mine and I almost melted... And thats when I woke up in my room.
  5. I devote the last part to Sage Parson, SecretLie5, zomgirl, and Moonblade. I really like your ideas!
  6. You slung some clothes over your shoulder and made your way out of the tree house and to the cabin where your brother lives. It was the only place with a shower and you needed to get ready for school. When you slowly crept into the cabin you shreiked when a hand clamped over your shoulder. "_____! You wernt at your school yesterday and every one was gone! Where were you!" your brother hissed. You sighed in releif(?) as you turned to face your 18 year old brother of whom was running his fingers through his white blonde hair.
  7. "You didnt go did you? Its ok I took the trail home." you murmured. "Well I was worried. And no, I am sorry. But a boy from your school was killed today. Tyson I belive...". You gasped as tears started streaking down your face.
  8. You dropped the clothes on the floor and turned. You just didnt think about what you were doing and walked strait into the dark forest. You walked for about a mile before screaming out, " Hunters! I know your here! Come out! Now!" Just then five people fell from the trees around you. You scanned the faces and reconised all but one. It was yet another girl with amber hair and ice blue eyes. She smiled at you and said in a melodic voice, "My name is Ellisian Matters and I know why your here. I controll the elements in case your wondering," She grinned and then set on fire. "Fires my favorite!"
  9. You dropped the clothes on the floor and turned. You just didnt think about what you were doing and walked strait into the dark forest. You walked for about a mile before screaming out, " Hunters! I know your here! Come out! Now!" Just then five people fell from the trees around you. You scanned the faces and reconised all but one. The white haired girl nodded to you. Jenny smiled broudly and waved like twenty times. Ari was bouncing on her heels and gazing at the ground. Slade grinned at you wickedly and winked. Then there was the new face. It was yet another girl with amber hair and ice blue eyes. She had a striking smile and vampire teeth. She smiled at you and said in a melodic voice, "My name is Ellisian Matters and I know why your here. I controll the elements in case your wondering," She grinned and then suddenly set on fire. "Fires my favorite!"
  10. Comment or email me! I happenen to LOVE everyones ideas! Like me? *wink wink* Rember I need three more charectors for part three!

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