Love story part 2

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I added a new cat ha ha!!! You'll see him soon enough... New cat: "Hello pretty...""Shut it!""Oh, you're pretty too."*facepalm**purrs*Random:hiowoidkee

hello. hope you enjoys part one! heres part two! YAY! Comment and rate plz...thx Random: hi peeps dorito cats turtles jacksepticeye sam boiz cute flirty

Created by: Stargirl
  1. hi again!
  2. sorry, if you don't hear from some cats again...
  3. You wake up in the med den...
  4. "Oh, good she's alive!" your vision is blurry so you don't see who that was.
  5. A tail tip brushes your ear. Your vision comes back so you see who it was. Sunblaze was sitting at the corner of the den and Sparrowwing was lying at your side. You poke him. "Hey! I'm not dead!!" he jokes. you...
  6. No matter what you do he gets up anyway. Sunblaze comes up to you. "Y/N... I...We have some bad news..." Sparrowtail buts in:"I'm afraid that...the others din't make it..."
  7. A moon passes and you are out hunting with your new apprentice, Lakepaw. He is a young silver tom with green eyes.
  8. A cat comes out of the bushes and grabs you. Lakepaw races off.
  9. you turn around to get a better look. He is a handsome, muscular black tom with amber eyes. "Help!" you yell as he shoves you in a cave with him and blocks the exit. "Now, now... no need to yell sweetheart."
  10. He pads up to you. "I hate my cats to be upset..." you pull away. he pins you down. "Sorry..." He kisses you. A screech came from behind...

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