Love, Magic, Hogwarts!4

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Ok so I have to make the answers before I make the quiz so they wont match but I decided to bring the twist in sooner because I wanted to all right so deal with it!

UHHHH why dose there have to be 3 parighrafes well sorry for all the spellin mistakes and make shower like and comment pleas now well I need to add 150 words!

Created by: insane person
  1. Your back great ok so is has been a week sins the problem with Harry and he has been in the hospital wing because he gave himself a concushine and someone switched his potion and the one he took he had an alergice reactune to and someone even snaped his broom in half Hermon says you should talk to him and Ron has taken a liking to you and you talk to Ginny more but she gets nervise when doing so and you keep spying and every friday you talke with Siurus and you write to your rock band (also your 3 best friends friends Frank, Alexander(also called Alex), and Iven) and your other friends Lane and Logan (there twins) plus Victor (Krum if you were wondering) you tell them every thing and they tell you every thing
  2. You were walking down the hale by your self when you run into Oliver he smiled at you then looked around as if expecting someone "Waiting for someone?" you asked "Well every time I try to talk to you Flint showes up." "He just dosn`t want me to tell his secretes." you said "Well then how comes you arn`t on the quidiche team?" he asked "Can`t fly." It was a lie but you could only stand up on a broom to fly do half truth "Would you like to come for a fly with me then." you shrugg "Why not."
  3. You walk out to the pitch with him and he`s being very flirty but you ignore it he takes you for couple laps before you hear "WOOD!" I will give you one guess who it was. An iritated Oliver landed in front of an angry looking Flint "Hey there Flinty." you said jumping of the back of the broom "What have I told you!" he yelled "A lot you must be more paciffic." you retorted "HE IS THE ENEMY! YOU CAN`T HANG OUT WITH THE ENEMY!" Flint yelled pointing at Oliver and stomping his foot like an angry 2 year old "You can`t countroule her Flint." Oliver said venom in his voice you walked away and left them to argue.
  4. And who do you walk into it’s Pansy Parkasins but you do your best to be nice “Oh you’re Draco’s girlfriend right?” You say politely she doesn’t respond right away just stared you didn’t know her or even really see her much so far this year “Oh me well not really it’s sort of on and off thing.” the intire time she says this she inches closer
  5. "I see." you said with a mildly raised eye brow as she inched over making goo-goo eyes "Well I don`t have anything planed for today what about you?" she asked still inching over "Nothin why?" you said playing dum "Well maby we could hang out?" she said putting on a flurtashise tone
  6. She was now leaning up against you wrapping her self around your one are while playing with your hair she was kindau hot but Draco liked her and he helped you when Harry was well doing you know what so you couldn`t do this to him even if she was hot "Thanks but no thanks I heard your not so nice to my friend Hermon Grandger." with those words you pulled your arm away and walked off with out a glance.
  7. (Pansy`s *P*O*V*) I was just walking when I bumped into a girl I was going to tell her off buuut... Then I got a good look at her and she was HOT I thought I was going to melt I couldn`t help myself so I started flirting I was glad to see she wasn`t repulsed by it so I inched closer till the next thing I know I was hanging on her like I would DRACO and playing with her gorges brown hair and I thought she was liking it not like how I like doing it and Draco try`s to shake me off but then she mentoned that she was friends with that mudblood Granger and walked away I didn`t even get her name uh what am I going to dothe other slytherines can`t know I`m BI and dumped Draco for a girl well not till I know her more I won`t be all buddy buddy with Granger but I`ll play nice if I can get her it will be harder than Draco through
  8. ( back to normal *P*O*V*) You were back in the buliding and you run into WHO!? but Draco but no crones so he`s not so bad "Hey just meet you girlfriend she always like that?" you say to him "Pansy is not my girlfriend!" was the first thing he could say till Pansy came up to you not even noticing Draco was there she walked right over and latched back on to your arm clingey was the only thing going through your head as she said "I never got your name what was it?" she batted her eye lashes at you as she said it "You do know your boyfriend is right there?" you said freeing your arm and pointing at Draco who looked disgusted "Pansy what are you doing?" he said she went red "Well I`m going to leave" you said as you walked away
  9. (Draco`s *P*O*V*) WHAT THE FU**K IS GOING ON! I was talking with Ethen then Pansy comes over and I think Oh great because I don`t really want Ethen to see me being hanged on by Pansy but I don`t even think she seen me because she walked up to Ethen and I thought maby they were friends but she started hanging on her arm like she dose to me asking for her name it was DIGUSTING after Ethen walked away I yelled at her " WHAT IN BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING!" she just walked away!
  10. (Pansy *P*O*V*) After Draco was done yelling he wanted me to go with him to the commen room I told him I had something to do I really would have went but I seen Granger out of the corner of my eye and I had to talk to her even if I didn`t want to

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