Love is Magical... Literally Pt5

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*RECAP* Isabel is kidnapped by Master Malum, Caleb dreams that it will happen and when he goes to your house looking for you, you are gone. While talking with your mom, he finds out that she can read minds. Caleb believes that it is hopeless that he will find you alive.

Continue reading to find out what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: DelTop13
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. **CALEB'S POINT OF VIEW** Depression was the only word I could use to describe it. Knowing the girl I loved was possibly dead or dieing killed me inside. Some small voice, tucked away in the corner of my head, was saying not to lose hope, that maybe she was okay and that wed find her. But I knew it was useless. I hated lieing to myself. I didnt want to climb out of the hole, just to be pushed back in. I knew she was dead. How could she still be alive? The Nocte Umbra never kept their prey alive this long. I felt utterly helpless. I kept thinking of what they might be doing to her right now, if she was still alive. Aweful things. Somehow, though I managed to fall asleep. I had a dream. I was straped to a table. An operating table, I think. Then Malum came in. He smiled at me evily. "Hello, Isabel." He said. Isabel?? Why did he call me Isabel?? I looked down. I was Isabel! "How do you like the Spirit World?" He asked. I didnt say anything. Wait the Spirit World?? Was that where Malum's hideout was?? Malum leaned in towards me until he was only inches from my face. His breath smelled aweful, like rotten teeth. And blood. He wore a ghastly smile. "VIVUS!!" I awoke with a start, sitting straight up in bed. Thats when my dream hit me. Isabel was in the Spirit World. If shes still alive. What was it Malum screamed in my face before I woke up?? Something that started with a v... virus? no... vital? no.... Vivus! Thats it vivus. I never was that good with latin, but Im pretty sure that it meant 'alive'. Does that mean... yes. Isabel is alive.
  2. I shot out of bed and threw on a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt and flew out of my room. As I raced down the hall, Hunter opened his door and I slammed into it. Hard. I more heard than felt my head crack against the door, until I hit the floor. Thats when the pain hit. It felt like someone was smashing my head with a hammer. I was seeing in doubles as I looked up at my little brother. He was shouting something, but I couldnt understand a word he was saying. It all sounded like gibberish. I couldnt register anything but the pain shooting through my head. I put my hand to my forehead and it felt warm and wet. Hunter continued screaming at me while I examined my hand. It was covered in blood. Thats the last thing I remember before everything went black.
  3. **ISABEL'S POINT OF VIEW** I had been laying there for hours. Maybe even days. I dont know. Everything seems to run together. But I do know that theres no way I could escape. I was straped to the table with steel cuffs. There was no way I could get them off. I tried melting them, but it didnt work. I just couldnt produce enough heat. It was useless. I was going to die here if I didnt figure something out. I looked around. I was in the middle of a large concrete room. It almost looked like a jail cell, but much bigger. And there wasnt a window, just a small air vent on the ceiling just to my left. The door was to my right and blended in with the wall. The only way you knew it was there was that the concrete blocks werent in the right pattern. But what did it matter?? It would only be useful if I could get the cuffs off, and there wasnt any chance that was happening. So I just laid there. My mucsles ached for laying in the same position for so long. It didnt help that the table was flat and hard. If I stayed here much longer, then Id probably get a bedsore or something. I had one once on my heel when I was 11. I had broken my leg falling off my aunt's horse. The doctor forgot to tell me to roll my leg every couple hours so that I didnt get one and shortly after I got home, I began feeling this intense burning pain in my heel. It felt like someone was holding a lighter under it. It went away after a few days though and I didnt think much about it, until about three weeks later when the doctors went to cut off my huge full leg cast to do sugury on it. The bone had moved and they needed to rebreak it and put pins in it. They discovered the huge blister on my heel and were quite worried Id get a staff infection, but, thankfully, I didnt. But, anyway, that was the pain I was begining to feel now on my right shoulder blade. I tryed to shift my weight to my other side, but couldnt take all the pressure off it and it barely eased the pain. I gave up and closed my eyes, praying for a miracle.
  4. **CALEB'S POINT OF VIEW** I eased my eyes open. I was laying in my bed and Hunter was asleep in the chair next to me. I looked over at the clock. It was 12:30 A.M. I settled back into bed then remembered the events of earlier and sat straight up in bed. I instantly regreted it as everything when blurry and my head began to pound again. I put my hand to my head and found it was wrapped in an acebandage. "Easy there partner" Hunter said as he lowered me back down. "You really hit your head. Just about broke the door in half! Where were you going in such a hurry??" I didnt feel like explaining the whole thing so I just sumed it up in four words. "Isabel. Malum. Spirit World." I muttered. "Malum has Isabel in the Spirit World!? We have to save her!!" "Well, duh. Thats what I was doing." I said, sill not wanting to say much. "Oh. Sorry." He said. There were a few moments of peaceful silence, but knowing Hunter, it wouldnt last long. "Hey! Wait a second! When were you going to tell me about it?! You werent going to go alone, were you??" He yelled, making my head throb harder. "I was going to, but you hit me with your door." "I didnt mean to." He said sounding kind of hurt. "Its okay, little bro. You didnt kill me. Give me an hour, and we'll go get her. Okay?" "Okay" He replied sounding a little happier. He got up and left. 'Finally' I thought and slipped back into sleep.
  5. I was pulled out of my peaceful, painless, sleep by Hunter shaking me. I moaned as the pounding returned in my head. I gently pushed him away. "Uhhg. Go away Hunter. Im trying to sleep." I said drowsily. "Caleb, come on. You need to get up. Isabel needs us." Isabel!! I had completely forgoten about her. I leaped out of bed, ignoring the pain in my head. Well, the best I could anyway, and charged down the hall. Luckily, Hunter was behind me and couldnt slam any doors in my face. I paused at his bedroom door, amazed at the damage I had done. The door was off its hindges at the top and bottom and the one in the middle was badly twisted. I had no idea how it was still staying on. There was a huge chunck missing in the three inch oak, right were my head would have hit. It made my headache return just thinking about it. Hunter nudged me and I continued down the hall, leaving behind the mangled door, and slipped on my shoes. We decided the livingroom would be a good place to enter the Spirit World. There wasnt anything special about it, it was just a good place to open portals where no one could see you. We joined hands and closed our eyes, concentrating. I could feel the energy running between us, multipling with each pass. I forced it out. It ripped through the material of our world and into the next. I opened my eyes and looked at the gaping hole in my livingroom. It was more of a tear and was solid black. I could feel a cold breeze blow from it. It chilled you to your bones. My instincts were telling me not to go in there. To forget about Isabel and run in the other direction. But I couldnt do that. I couldnt abandon her. I looked over at Hunter nervously. He returned my gaze, full of fear. I nodded and we stepped into the unknown.
  6. The darkness consumed me as I fell through space. I had never seen anything as black as this before. It was like taking the darkest color youve ever seen, multipling it by 100, and jumping into it. I just fell, dreading when and what I was going to land on. I couldnt hear or feel anything, not even air rushing past me. It was like time had stopped and I was hovering. Then I felt the weirdest thing ever. I was being stretched and squeezed through a tiny hole, but it didnt hurt. The next thing I knew, I was laying in a feild of what looked like wheat. The sky was dark and tinted with red. There was a cold, erie wind that blew the wheat around me. I sat up and looked for Hunter. He was sitting about ten feet away from me. I got up and went over to him, offering my hand to help him up. Like usual, he ignored it and stood up by himself. We both looked around. We were in a clearing in a large, ominous looking forest. Over the tops of the trees, I could see a large stone castle. It had to be Malums. Who else had a castle in the Spirit World?? Not many things lived here. Dispite the name, there werent any spirits there, or at least none that I knew about. It was more that it was like a spirit. Few people had seen it, few people believed in it, but it was real. Oh, it was definately real and Malum had Isabel here. In that castle. 'This is going to be fun' I thought. 'Like looking for a needle in a hay BARN.' I may not even find her. Even if I do, she might not be alive. But at least Id know. Like my brother, I hate not knowing.
  7. **ISABELS POINT OF VIEW** I couldnt stand it anymore. The pain in my stomach grew and sometimes it growed so loudly, it just about made me jump. My mouth and throat were so dry. My tougne was like sandpaper. Zero moisture. Someone was still holding the lighter to my shoulder were there was a bedsore forming. Every muscle in my body ached. I couldnt take it anymore. I just culdnt take it. I cried out in pain, only to be answered with silence. Pure silence. It was all Ive heard the past hours, days, however long Ive been here. It was just torture. I dont understand why Malum would weaken me BEFORE sucking my powers. Why not do it when Im still strong?? I was pondering the idea when I heard a screeching kind of noise coming from the vent. It sounded like metal being torn and bent. Dust rained down from the ceiling and something apeared in the vent. It looked like a person, but I wasnt sure. Dust was still blocking my view. When it finally cleared, I gasped. It was Caleb. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I was so relieved they had found me. I didnt know how much longer I would have lasted. He pushed against the grate, bending it outwards before it fell, hitting the floor with a clank. He lowered himself out using his telekinsis. I had almost for got he could do that. It was kind of cool. He did the same with Hunter, flipping him around so he didnt land on his head. Caleb rushed over to me and looked at me horrified. I was a complete reck. I didnt have to look in the mirror to know that. "What has he done to you?!?!??" He yelled. "Ill explain everything later. Just please get me off this damn table." I croaked out. My throat was so sore. He nodded and ripped the cuffs of effortlessly. I sat up a little too quickly and made my head spin. Caleb wrapped his arms around me to steady me. I realized how cold I was compared to the heat coming off him. I just borrowed into him and he held me, kissing the top of my head. "Your going to be okay, Isabel. I promise." He whispered. "You shouldnt make promises you cant keep." I ripped my head in the direction the voice came from. It was Malum, wearing a nasty grin across his face. "You didnt think you could just walk out of here, did you? It may have been easy getting in, but it wont be getting out. Thats the whole idea. You come in thinking you can take your precious little Isabel. Well, shes mine now. All of you are mine!" He laughed. Caleb backed away from the table to face Malum. Hunter stood next to him. "We will never be yours." Caleb said, his voice full of hatred. Malum just laughed. I attempted to stand up but my legs just gave out. Caleb didnt even need to look at me to catch me and set me back on the table. He didnt even have to move. He just used his telekinesis. I wish I could have his power instead of mine. His had much more use. All I could do was catch stuff on fire, which I dont exactly need to very often. Caleb could do all sorts of things but moving stuff with his mind. He could even fly. But I wondered if his powers would work on Malum, afterall, mine didnt. I looked at them. They were standing there like a brick wall, unmoving. Nothing could nock them down, except Malum, of course. And thats exactly what he wanted to do. Hunter leaned towards Caleb and whispered something in his ear. I couldnt hear what he said, but what ever it was, it was bad. Calebs defiant look turned to worried one and he shook his head. He looked at Malum. Malum looked pleased. 'Did Hunter read his mind?' I wondered. He had to of. I looked at them confused and Hunter stepped over to me and whispered "I read Malums mind. Hes weak." "Then why-" "Shhhh. Play along. Act scared." I nodded and pretended to be scared. I was a pretty good actress, so it was easy for me. Malum looked even happier. I wondered if I could muster up enough strength to shoot him with a fireball, but I didnt want to pass out with exhaustion. I was already drained as it was and I still needed to be able to get out of here. I wanted to try though. I needed to. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I felt the heat surge through my veins. I pushed it to my fists and forced out. My hands ignigted and I opened my eyes and shot the two fireballs stright at Malum. His robe caught fire and he looked frightened. That was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.
  8. I slowly opened my eyes. I was on a bed, not a table, but I wasnt in my room either. I was in a hospitol. I looked around. My mom was asleep in the chair next to me. I had no idea how I had gotten here. Last I remember, I was in Malums castle. Then I remembered Caleb and Hunter there, fighting with Malum. I only had memories of small parts of it, like Hunter being slammed against a wall and Malum laying on the ground, defeated. I had other memories like of Caleb carring me and riding in a car, but that was it. As if on cue, Caleb walked in the room. He looked like he had been up all night. He brightened up when he saw I was awake. "What happened??" I asked him. "We beat Malum." He replied, but I could tell he was hiding something. "Is Hunter okay??" I asked. He didnt say anything. "Is he..." "No, hes not dead, but hes badly hurt. Malum just about smashed him clear through the concrete wall." He sounded upset. "Is he going to be okay?" I asked. I was quite worried. I didnt want someone to die trying to save me. "He broke his back, but he wont be paralysed. The doctors say he should be better in a couple months." I couldnt say anything. I just put my head between my knees and cried. Not nesicarily for Hunter, but for everything that has happened in the past few days. I felt the bed tilt as Caleb sat down next to me and hug me. "Its okay, Isabel. Your safe now. I will never let anything like this happen ever again." He whispered soothingly. I currled into his chest. He made me feel safe. I knew he would protect me, he already saved me from Malum. "I love you." I whispered. I didnt know if he had heard me until he said "I love you, too."
  10. Read part 6?
  11. Rate/Comment?
  12. BYE!

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