Love can Bite part 1 | Comments

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  • And I didn't*
    Stupid kindle and it's autocorrect...

  • Okay, Guys, I wrote this a long time ago. Anne I disk my even write the first couple parts. My sister did. I just continued it. I know it's bad, as you can m see it's under major editing and I'm contemplating deleting the whole series entirely.

  • Okay.......

    I guess it was good. Not to be mean or anything, I actually really liked it and I can't wait for part 2! The only thing that annoyed me a bit was how Connor was the one who knocked out the vamp and slept in the hospital and takes you out to dinner. I like Tristin! (The green eyes got me!) And Sketchersrage you need to chillax! Lots of people text-type and lots of people do stories for quizzes. zand zit was her firrst so LAY OFF!!!

    BTW liked the quiz!

  • This Wasn't anywhere near a good quiz. By the way,@killjoyrainbow , peoples eye's actually do change color. My best friend's eye's range from gray, to hazel, to green, depending on season. It's not the lighting.

    Who ever made this "quiz":

    You are either a some who's horrible at typing, you only ever text, or you just can't spell. No excuse. Don't chat speak, seriously it's really annoying. Check over your writing before posting, you kept on saying you, instead of your/you're. This isn't a text message, don't speak like it. This is also a quiz website, meaning you're supposed to make a "quiz", not a dumb choice vampire sort-of story.

    You forgot the g in ignore. Are you serious here? This was definitely a waste of my time.

  • Since I'l a writer, I think i'll go ahead and point out all the obvious plotholes here.

    1. Your character has black hair and eyes that change colors. That is quite stereotypical. Some people's eyes appear to change color based on lighting and surrounding colors, but I doubt anyone's eyes really 'change'.

    2. Moreover, purple eyes. No one really has 'purple' eyes. Dark blue? Okay. Violet? Maybe. But straight-up purple does not naturally happen. It just doesn't.

    3. The character (apparently) looks like you.

    4. The way you make it seem, Bree just sees these random guys and decides to make friends. That also doesn't happen.

    5. She just waves over these (apparently) complete strangers and they come over.

    6. The boys say 'hi' in unison, apparently.

    7. Katie falls in love with one during the first part of the story. Eeuw.

    I'm not a fan of story quizzes; in my opinion, if people want to write, they should go somewhere to write, not to make quizzes. Yes, there is a result at the end, but a 'choose your own adventure' story isn't hard to formulate.

    This was--sorry--terribl e. However, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. I'd very much look forward to a part 2.

  • Absolutely pathetic and stupid I: learn to spell

  • Hi

  • Hi Zoe check out my quiz its called "vampire story quiz" plz try it!!! Signed your buddy Christian nye

  • Hi!!! How're you guys?

  • Hey guys put part 2 &3 out, need suggestions!

  • Great start! I want part 2!!!!!!! =D

    elf maiden
  • part 2! :D

  • Part 2! Love it! It was a great first quiz and this series ig going to be epic!

  • Awsome quiz! You need 2 make part 2! You should have spagetti 4 dinner! The guys should tell u that u have powers and that you can have as many lives as you want sinc u r the vamp princess! :D


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