Love at Hogwarts the last chapter

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This is the very last quiz of this series but do not worry for I will be making more harry potter based quizzes and even some other topics like creepypasta but that may take a while since I have to make up the perfect character.

I am so sad that this is the last quiz and I am sorry if you are too. It has been a hard life at Hogwarts hasn't it....I hope you will like the last results you'll have on this quiz.

Created by: PeculiarGirl1
  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Harry jumped from Hagrids arms. "Expelliarmus!" Voldemorts wand went flying. The fight begin. Screw being thought. Insted of little charms you killed about fifty percent of the deatheaters you turned around holding your wand up. You gasped.
  4. It was Draco his wand was up to. "Birdie....." "Lower your wand" you said you voice shaky. He lowered it. "Why do you still fight for him? Why cant you be one of us?" "My parents would think I was a disgrace!" "Screw them! They dragged you into this not your self!" He gave a little smile and lowered his wand. "I hope I see you again" "What" He desapperated. You sttod back in shock.
  5. You turned around all the death eaters were on the floor. You turned around and saw Voldemort and Harry fighting. Ron and Hermoine stepping back wondering what to do. You ran over to them.
  6. Voldemorts wand went flying again. Harry muttered a spell you had never heard of and Voldemort screamed in agony as peice by peice broke apart and flew in the wind like paper.
  7. "Harry what do we do with it?" Ron asked. "We? It's Harry's decision!" you said. Harry looked at it. He smiled and threw it over the bridge. "What now?" "We help everyone."
  8. You walked around the castle for stragglers and you ran into Neville. "Birdie I found the sword! Gryffindors swrod that only a true Gryffindor can find!" He said picking you up and spinning you around.
  9. You walked around the castle. "Hello little bird!" you turnedaround it was Draco You beamed and ran over to hug him. "Its over...Its all over" you said. He smirked. "I heard." You let go and smiled.
  10. 19 years later

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