Light Side, Dark Side , or Neither?

Everyone wonders who they are eventually. Are you a kind considerate person, a ruthless villain, or a lone bounty hunter? Are you meant to be on the light side, the dark side, or neither?

So, which side are you on? Are you a good guy, a bad guy, or a loner? Are you meant to help others, enslave others, or are you meant to just leave them alone and worry only about number one? Take this quiz to find out.

Created by: jojofett
  1. You are walking down the street when you see a young child crying by the side of the road you...
  2. You are watching a play and the main actor misses their line you...
  3. A person you know messes up on a very important project you...
  4. Someone comes up to you and asks you if you will give a speech to the younglings about the force you...
  5. A young child comes up to you and asks you if you will help them with their homework you...
  6. You are asked to help out with a dance you...
  7. Your little brother is playing with his legos and asks you to play with him you...
  8. some one asks you to design an outfit for a dance group that your not in you...
  9. If you could be any starwars character who would you be?
  10. What kind of movies do you like?

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