Let's Pretend You Know Me!

Okay, so basically, this is a quiz to tell how well you know me. Or don't know me. Sounds fun? Not really, but do it anyway..and yo, this site is really gay and is making me write a one-hundred and fifty character introduction. and i really don't want to. dududu

OMG A SECOND PARAGRAPH. like i have nothing better to do with my time? woo. well. you should take my quiz. and. uh.. yeah, isn't this fun. dududu. Its almost 2007. i think thats really really strange considering i still write 2005 on stuff. yeah. okay. 150? YEAH? score :)

Created by: Jenna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. An easy one; What's my first name?
  2. Any Pets?
  3. Favorite color?
  4. Speaking of colors, what're the main colors of my bathroom?
  5. What are the names of my brothers?
  6. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
  7. What travel softball team am I on?
  8. Hmm.. something exciting.. how about.. my moms first name!
  9. Boysboysboyusihas;dasdh!
  10. Uh, I'm running out of questions..so like, 2 more. What are my favorite classes?
  11. FAVORITE GYM ACTIVITY!!!! [You lose a point if you get this one wrong :)]
  12. Michele made me put this one; What grade did I make Varsity Softball?
  13. Michele made me put this one; What grade did I make Varsity Softball?
  14. So I lied, more than 2 questions: Where am I going this summer?
  15. One piece of jewelry I can't leave the house without?
  16. Last but not least, which band do i absolutly HATEHATEAHTEHAEHTHAEEAT?
  17. Favorite Phrase?

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