Latter Day Trivia

How well do you know your Latter Day Trivia? Try it out you just might be surprised, and maybe even learn a new tidbit to share in Sunday School next week!

Brigahm Young? Thomas S. Monson? Joseph Smith? If you know who they are you are already one step closer to acing this quiz! But beware some of the questions are TOUGH!

Created by: Audra
  1. What is the Great Sea another name for?
  2. Who is the presiding High Priest in a ward?
  3. Whoes favorite horse was named Old Charley?
  4. At least how many daughters did Lehi have?
  5. In what year was the concept of Family Home Evenings introduced?
  6. What is the 12th adjective that in the Scout Law that describes a scout?
  7. Which Old Testament prophet preached in Jerusalem at the same time as Lehi?
  8. In what year did construction start on the Salt Lake Temple?
  9. Which Church President was known as "A Preacher of Righteousness?"
  10. How many choir seats are in the Tabernacle?

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