Know Your Traditional Asian Ingredients

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How well do you know the traditional ingredients of Asian countries? Think you know enough to take this quiz. This quiz will test your knowledge and how much you pay attention to the details.

Created by: Melinda Pacey
  1. Garam Masala in Indian, literally means?
  2. How do you reduce the heat of a dish when cooking with chili?
  3. Where does Wasabi grow?
  4. What five spices are used to make up Chinese Five Spice?
  5. How many Saffron Crocus flowers does it take to produce 500 grams of Saffron?
  6. Chinese cabbage is also know as what?
  7. What does "Daikon" mean in Japanese?
  8. How many fragrant black seeds are enclosed in a cardamon pod?
  9. What is one of the oldest spices known to man?
  10. What is the flavour of Tamarind?

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Quiz topic: Know my Traditional Asian Ingredients