Know Your Patience

Knowing your patience blah blah ha ha blah blah ha ha hi how are you i am bored. there is nothing interesting to writer about here.... i hope you don't read this if you are then you will be doing the same to the other paragraphs

knowing your patience.Knowing your patience blah blah ha ha blah blah ha ha hi how are you i am bored. there is nothing interesting to writer about here.... i hope you don't read this if you are then you will be doing the same to the other paragraphs

Created by: Rebecca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your brother/sister won't stop annoying you. What is your reaction?
  2. You see your boyfriend/girlfriend talking to someone you don't know. How do you approach this?
  3. Today is an off day. You keep dropping and breaking everything. At the end of the day you knock into your parent's expresive imported vase and wine glass set. What is your reaction?
  4. You are driving inside your car. The person in front of you is going 25mph in a 30 zone and no one is in front of the car going 25mph. What do you do?
  5. Your friend keeps playing the same song you dislike over and over again. What do you do?
  6. Your bored in class and you have one more hour to go. What do you do?
  7. There's a line for the bathroom and you've been waiting to go for 15 min so far. You feel like you can only take 5 more minutes but then a whole bunch of people cut in front of you since someone 'reserved' spots. What do you do?
  8. What tips your patience the most?
  9. Favorite color
  10. How do you handle controlling people?

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Quiz topic: Know my Patience