Know You FAQ Quiz

This quiz is not what it seems to be... to find out, take this quiz....mwahaha! Then comment and go to our website. then become a member! If you are reading this, you must send this to 5 other quizzes!!!

Please take this quiz!!! Also, copy this and send it to 5 other quizzes! Then go to our site and become a member! Mwahaha! Haha...I know we're crazy....

Created by: Bika

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is more of a participant?
  2. Are Toru and Kyro brother and sister?
  3. How old is Kyro?
  4. What gender is Toru?
  5. What is Kyro's year of birth?
  6. Where do Toru and Kyro live?
  7. Who is more energetic?
  8. What time does the newest show come on?
  9. Who is stronger (in power)
  10. Who is older?

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