Just how Goshen, Indiana Are You?

It seems that everywhere I go, I run into someone who is from Goshen, has been to Goshen, or knows someone from Goshen. This led me to wonder just how pervasive this town is? This quiz is designed to help see how widespread the quirky knowledge of it may be...

Have you ever heard of Goshen, Indiana? How familiar with it are you? Test your knowledge and see how you rate with a 'local'. If you dare, let's see just how Goshen you are...

Created by: David

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Can you say, with some relative certainty, what year cruising was stopped in Goshen?
  2. Which of the following names do you NOT recognize as having been Mayor of Goshen?
  3. Which location did Wal-Mart first build in Goshen, Northwest or Southeast?
  4. Goshen College's Mascot is which of the following?
  5. The Chief is MAINLY known for what?
  6. Which of these landmarks was built over the "old town dump"?
  7. Back in the cruising days, which of these landmarks were you most likely to see while actually cruising?
  8. Which one of these stores never existed in downtown Goshen?
  9. The 'O' sound in 'Goshen' and 'donuts' is pronounced the same.
  10. The Midway Drive-in Theatre was razed to build what current Goshen landmark?
  11. During the rise of 'Political Correctness' in the 1990s, the local high school changed it's mascot from Redskins to Red Storm
  12. The Ford Pinto crash, which recieved national attention for years back in the 1980s, resulted in what Goshen phenomenon?
  13. Which of these has never been the name of a school building in Goshen?
  14. In 1981, Goshen celebrated what anniversary of its existence?
  15. The Goshen Historical Society is currently housed in what building?
  16. Art Cosgrove is a local legend for what reason?
  17. How many times in the last year have you been into a store in downtown Goshen?

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Quiz topic: Just how Goshen, Indiana am I?