Is your School Haunted?

There are a myriad of schools which have those types of stories to tell and share...about the.....PARANORMAL!Find out......before THEY get you...who knows what they will do to you!!1

Does your school's stories change all?...FIND OUT NOW!!!Do not be a is the day you know the truth!*eerie organ plays gothic music*

Created by: Wynzel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Describe your school.
  2. Describe your school's lot area.
  3. Random Question:Do you like potatoes?
  4. Describe most of the phenomenon there.
  5. Are you scared?
  6. Random Question:Are you one of the Deluminati?
  7. I'll just do randoms for this question since I'm running out of time.....mmmkay?
  8. Two Way Question...: Do you frequently encounter or sense paranormal phenomenon?
  9. By estimating,how many faculty,staff,students members believe that your school is haunted?
  10. Last Question: Do you believe?

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Quiz topic: Is my School Haunted? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Paranormal Quiz category.