Is Your Guinea Pig Sick?

Oh no, think you're guinea pig might be sick? Take this quiz to get an estimate on how sick your guinea pig might be! DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL DIAGNOSIS. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR VET FOR MORE INFORMATION.

There are 5 outcomes: Very Sick, Sick, Possibly Sick, Probably Not Sick, and Not Sick. You can use this to know if you should take your guinea pig to the vet or not.

Created by: Tri3123 of Trisha's Guinea Pig Adventures: My Blog
(your link here more info)
  1. Is your guinea pig eating?
  2. Is your guinea pig playing with your other guinea pig?
  3. Does your guinea pig have bald patches on their skin?
  4. Is your guinea pig bleeding?
  5. Does your guinea pig's behavior look different than usual?
  6. Is your guinea pig moving?
  7. Is your guinea pig purring (vibrating) complaining or chirping?
  8. How old is your guinea pig?
  9. Is your guinea pig female or male?
  10. Does your guinea pig still eat it's favorite food?
  11. Is there discharge coming out of your guinea pig's eyes, nose or mouth?
  12. Is your guinea pig able to get around properly?
  13. Does your guinea pig look scared, sad or deflated?
  14. Is there crust around your guinea pig's eyes?
  15. Is your guinea pig itching?
  16. Is your guinea pig sleeping?
  17. Do you have a vet nearby? (This question has no effect)
  18. (This question has no effect) Will you be prepared to take action if the outcome comes out bad?

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Quiz topic: Is my Guinea Pig Sick?
