Is your friend a real or fake friend?

Do you have a real or a fake friend? Well you want to know. And you need to know so how are you going to find out if you have a real or a fake friend? how? Well read ahead to find out! To find out if you have a real or a fake friend you need to keep reading.

Now I will tell you how to find out if you have a fake or a real friend you have to take the quiz! Ya! You have to take this quiz to find out if you have a fake or a real freind! TAKE THE QUIZ! TAKE THE QUIZ! TAKE THE QUIZ! TAKE THE QUIZ! TAKE TH QUIZ!

Created by: The Geek
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do they ever contact you?
  2. Do they ever want to see you?
  3. Do they usaully say yes or no?
  4. Do they ever write long emails (meaning they care for you) or just a short reply?
  5. Would they miss something just to do something that has to do with you?
  6. Do they do fun stuff with you?
  7. Do you do fun or boring things?
  8. Do they trust you?
  9. Do they mind you being weird?
  10. Do you think they are a real friend ar a fake?

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Quiz topic: Is my friend a real or fake friend? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Friendship Quiz category.