Is she your true best friend ?

every 1 has BFFs and every 1 wants to spend all of the time with them. well do u have 1 ? if yes then take this quiz to get to know if she is really tour BFF or not

are you a gud BF ? do u have the abilities and skills for becoming a true BF? YOU WONDER.... but thnx to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out !

Created by: Aroohi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does she abuse you ?
  2. Does she take your any case ?
  3. you would have gone mad at her...EVERY1 does...did you? how did she react ?
  4. Does she want to sit with you....all alone in the break time ?(if you are still in school cuz i am)
  5. Just imagine that if u were fat, how would she react and behave ?
  6. Does she backbite you (well i know this sounds creepy but your other friends might have told u a little thing?)
  7. Has she insulted you ever, in front of every1 ?(intentionally or intentionally?)
  8. does she share with you her lunch or things ?
  10. has she ever said that i love u, i like you or ur my BFF?

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Quiz topic: Is she my true best friend ?