Is A Rat The Right Pet For You?

Do you want a pet? What if I told you that a rat is one of the best ones out there?! They are smart, cuddly, and poop in boxes!

Is it right for you? Do you have the time? Do you even LIKE them? Find out in this fun quiz! Should only take 2-10 minutes.

Created by: Mikki
  1. Do you want a lazy pet?
  2. Do you want a squishy pet?
  3. What do you think about the tail?
  4. A person says "ew" when you mention rats. You:
  5. Do you want a loyal pet?
  6. Are you willing to have 2+ rats?
  7. How long of a life span do you want in a pet?
  8. How long can you play?
  9. Do you even like rats?
  10. Rats or Babies?

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