IQ Quiz 13-15 See how smart you are!

What is a genius? You might answer with something like "someone smart" or "Albert Einstein" but a genius is indeed these things, and even more. A genius is one who holds common sense, wisdom and can solve complicated problems and doesn't see the world like the average person.

But then ask yourself "am I a genius, do I have enough brainpower for such a prestigious and honorable title, am I good enough to be a genius?" And If you don't know answers to any of these questions, come and find out now!

Created by: Joel A. Moses
  1. In a prison a man came to visit an inmate. The guard asks the inmate "Who is this?" The inmate replies "Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father is my father's son. Who is he?
  2. The slowest mammal is...
  3. Which is the fastest breed of dog?
  4. which of the following is in second person?
  5. 46+54x2=?
  6. Mary has 60 plums, she gives Adam 20 and Marco 20. What percent does she have left?
  7. Countries in the Caribbean are
  8. Koalas are grouped as
  9. Which of the following is an invertebrate?
  10. Complete the series... 2,4,8,10,20,40,80,90,
  11. "We will search for the missing person." Search in this case is a...
  12. A nutrient that milk does not have is...
  13. The word narcissistic means what?
  14. What happens if a light atom splits?
  15. You're almost done! One last question. Mangoes are...

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