Incontinent or Diaper Dependent?

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Welcome to the are you Incontinent or Diaper Dependent quiz. Like all quizzes I make, this is meant to be taken for fun by ABDLs and such, but you can always take it seriously, though I advise against it.

This quiz will tell you whether you need to wear diapers to protect yourself or because you just can't control yourself. In other words, are you INCONTINENT, or DIAPER DEPENDENT?

Created by: a computer
  1. Do you have 'accidents'?
  2. Can you control your bladder/bowel muscles [even if it's just enough so that you can make it sometimes]?
  3. How do you have accidents?
  4. How long can you hold it?
  5. Do you usually make it in time?
  6. If you could only go to the bathroom twice a day, do you think that would be a problem?
  7. Do you go to the bathroom often?
  8. Do you find yourself going in your pants more because you couldn't hold it or because you couldn't cotrol it?
  9. Are you ok with incontinence underwear like Depeneds or other Pull Ups, or do you need something more absorbent or bigger?
  10. Do you just have to hold it for long amounts of time alot or to you actually have trouble holding it?
  11. Do you think you are Incontinent or Diaper Dependent?
  12. Pick a colour.

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