Do you want to try on a diaper?

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Hi! I made this quiz so that people can test if they want diapers. I was disappointed with the quality of other quiz's with the same goal and so I present you this!

This is a quiz where you will find out if you want to try on a diaper yes or no. It's made so that anybody can take it and should be easy enough to do.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Have you ever thought about buying diapers?
  2. How often do you think about wearing diapers?
  3. Have you ever been on a diaper punishment and if so liked it?
  4. Have you ever wanted to be on a diaper punishment just to wear a diaper?
  5. If you were on a diaper punishment for a week how would you feel?
  6. If you were on a diaper punishment for a whole year how would you feel?
  7. Have you ever wet the yourself on purpose?
  8. If you have wet yourself on purpose did you like it?
  9. If you have wet yourself on purpose and you liked it then do you want to ever do it again?
  10. Have you ever messed yourself on purpose?
  11. If you have messed yourself on purpose did you like it?
  12. If you have messed yourself on purpose and you liked it then do you want to ever do it again?
  13. Have you ever bought diapers for yourself to try them out?
  14. If you bought diapers for yourself and used them then did you like them?
  15. What kind of diaper do you want to try the most?
  16. If you agreed with most of the questions in this quiz then would you consider yourself a DL (Diaper Lover) or an AB (Adult Baby) or an ABDL (Both)
  17. Did you like this quiz? (Doesn't effect final outcome)

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Quiz topic: Do I want to try on a diaper?

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