in the vikings time

it not about my friends and me or even only me so do not think it is about me and my friends if you are a genus then you will find it very easy pisy lemon squizy!

you can mostly rears that is not so hard as you think becouse it about poland vikibgs school gron up and lots of diffrents think that i did not menczon now so it really simple is in it!

Created by: sandra
  1. what do vikings wear on head
  2. what people do vikings kill
  3. what the ship was call that they raid with it?
  4. now all about poland! what country is not in poland
  5. what is a polish name
  6. what school is a Frinton
  7. what 2 names are Grate
  8. why do we have diffrent religons
  9. why do we go to school
  10. why do we need to learn

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