In the future, will you be pretty or ugly? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz In the future, will you be pretty or ugly?

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  • This quiz is actually accurate! My friend can tell the future and had me do a pretty face and she imagined me older and she immediately said woah your gonna be so pretty in the future and this quiz said I was pretty so its accurate! I can also calculate that is is accurate because my mom was the most beautiful thing you can ever lay your eyes on when she was dating my dad! Im not even joking! I also look a bit pretty as well! 5 star! But there is one downside,everytime i press an answer it doesnt press like I have to press it multiple times until it presses but overall this is a great quiz!

    Billie eyelash
  • Pretty,thanks but looks aren't everything personality is what truly matters more than appearance. I myself always hated my looks usually but wouldn't trade my personality if I had to really.


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