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Time for some autocorrect fun:. I don't know what you should never do that if you need me to type it out of my mind is a conductor from your own home.

Created by: Tater_Tot
  1. I'm dragonsfire, and made this account Tater_Tot. Now for the fillers!
  2. Boop
  3. Kill it!
  4. You know the people who go, "That's exactly what someone who did it would say!"
  5. Yeah, that's all I got.
  6. And now I know that I'll never make a quiz on a kindle again. My thumbs are getting so sore, it's a wonder I can spell correctly.
  7. There was "dixiness" instead of dizziness. I got the song Dixie's Land stuck in my head.
  8. "Smeeth muscles" instead of smooth muscles.
  9. And that's all I can think of. It's late, and I'm never making a quiz on my kindle again.
  10. Farewell, and Goodnight.
  11. Oh, one more typo before I go. Blaptop.

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