Manny of you might knOw my sister from her series ' midnight love ' she is Purrsephone and she is in a coma read why below miss u Sis :,( all I want is to hear her talk again :,(

Manny of you might knOw my sister from her series ' midnight love ' she is Purrsephone and she is in a coma read why below miss u Sis :,( all I want is to hear her talk again :,(

Created by: xXxCupidxXx

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hi I'm xXxCupidxXx and Purrsephone ( for all who don't know my identical twin hAs been rushed to hospital after a Lucky escape
  2. Yestrday our horse Monica got really badly hurt her stomach was cut her neck was cut it looked like a horror seen , But Purrsephone being Purrsephone went to help Monica . I told her not to go in until mum woke up but regardless she did . Using backteria cleaner and gloves and a towl she went to help her but as she dabbed the cut on the back of moicas leg Purrphone got double barrelled banging her head pretty hard.
  3. While mum rushed Monica to hospital she got our older sister to dial an ambulance . Currently Purrsephone is in a coma in hospital but I would not count on her waking up soon
  4. That was at6:45 in my time zone and I brought the I pad she has had test done before and her stupidity could be part of a virus we caught while in wales
  5. Other test have been done and before this she was really I'll and could not walk without crutches . Doctors feel after this she will need a wheel chair .
  6. Ok please you can skip rest of questions and my email is [no emails] if anyone wants live updates
  7. Sorry idk about no emails comment if you want updates then
  8. ........
  9. .........
  10. ......

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