if your an idiot take this quiz

There are many idiots but few true idiots. Idiot is afterall quite idiotic. What is a idiot? Its someone with an extrodanaraly downsyndrome smile and they see the world through a novel point of view.

Are YOU an idiot? Do you have the balls to qualify for such a overwelming title? Until now you could only act stupid. But thanks to this great quiz you will find out in a couple of hours if you are an idiot like GRANT.

Created by: dicklick98
  1. do you like bananas?
  2. dump
  3. .do you like
  4. life or death, the clocks ticking
  5. is grant an idiot?
  6. ...
  7. whats your idea on abortion
  8. chair
  9. choose
  10. Why is PJ famous?
  11. Do you believe in talking sandwiches?
  12. canada dry or seven beers?
  13. banana
  14. castle
  15. your stuck in a room with two men...
  16. Your Jem from To Kill A Mockingbird a giant fat guy tackles you to the ground do you....
  17. Your stuck in a room with Michael Jackson and his best friend OJ Simpson...what do you do?
  18. Your stuck in a room with Michael Jackson and his best friend OJ Simpson...what do you do?

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Quiz topic: If my an idiot take this quiz