Are you an idiot?

Ok, I'm just gonna make this short and simple, Don't be an idiot, take this quiz, and please, get 100%. It really isn't that hard. Don't dissappoint me.

In a few minutes you will find out if you are mentally ill, or if you can actually pass probably the easiest quiz in history. So take the quiz and find out.

Created by: ncislvr
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is the baby in the manger scene?
  2. Who has square pants and lives under the sea?
  3. What sport do you kick a ball into a goal?
  4. Which TV show has a singer who has the "Best of Both Worlds?"
  5. If you are goth, what color do you wear most?
  6. What is the answer to this challenging math equation? 1+1
  7. What do you open when you go into a house?
  8. If you are marrying Alex, who do you stand next to at the alter?
  9. Fill in the blank: The cow goes _______.
  10. What does this symbol mean: %

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Quiz topic: Am I an idiot?