If you were an Element...

In science class, we’re learning about different elements and their characteristics. When you think about it, people, in a way, sometimes act like elements! People can be very reactive, dazzling, illuminating… the list goes on.

Take our quiz to help you determine which element you resemble the most! We guarantee you’ll have fun comparing yourself to elements such as Carbon, Neon, Iron, and Hydrogen.

Created by: Jackie V. Sam J. Shay .B

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favroite food?
  2. You are a planet, which one?
  3. You are a Super Hero...
  4. Your dream vacation, where is it?
  5. Your social life is...
  6. What's your... FAVORITE COLOR?
  7. You're getting a pet...
  8. You're type of tunes are...
  9. Your ideal weather is...
  10. How are you feeling today?

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