If You're My Friend You'll Know

You can say all you want that you know me well but I want to see if you really do. If you call your self my friend lets see how well you really know me.

Ok, ok, you know who I am but lest see if you know more then that. Do you know me better then almost everyone or do you just know as much as everyone else does?

Created by: Esther of myspace.com/i_dream_about_you
(your link here more info)
  1. Do I like being at home?
  2. How can you tell when something is wrong with me?
  3. If it was up to me would I live at home?
  4. What attracts me to a guy the most?
  5. How do I express my self?
  6. How can you tell when Im thinking about something?
  7. What do I hate about my self?
  8. When I listen to music I listen closey to the...
  9. I dont like to keep my problems in because...
  10. When I turn my music up its because...
  11. I plan to major in...
  12. When I need to talk to someone who do I call?
  13. When people joke around with me to I take it to heart?
  14. I've always wanted to go to..
  15. Do I like to travel?
  16. How do I like to wear my hair most of the time?
  17. I'll clean someone eles house but not my own?
  18. My hair is naturaly....

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