Are you worth being my friend?

A good quality friend is hard to find. Key characteristics time and time again build the foundation for a true friend that will go above and beyond. So I ask are you worth being my friend?

Do you have what it takes to be a good friend? We screen for love, pets, and jobs .... so why not friends. Are you good enough, do you have the common sense and respect to be my friend? I hope so for your sake ;)

Created by: Stacey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If I had car trouble would you come get me?
  2. Do you trust me to borrow money from you?
  3. Would you help me move?
  4. Which is my favorite song?
  5. If we were out drinking would you get pissed if I wanted to leave early?
  6. What is most important to you?
  7. Would you ever say anything bad about me behind my back?
  8. What is your biggest pet peeves?
  9. Hoes before bros?
  10. Are you a couch potato or do you get off your ass and do things?

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Quiz topic: Am I worth being my friend?