Idk. Just take it, and see what you get.

This test is dumb, and I got bored of the concept, but wanted to finish it. Don't expect it to be entertaining. I just wanted to see how these tests worked in this style.

I don't think I like this one as much. Less room for me to goof around and keep it even on how to get the results. IDK if every result is even able to be gotten.

Created by: wolfsilvey37
  1. Do you wear clown shoes to bed?
  2. If you had books would you use them wisely?
  3. If you don't show people your talent, why do you have a talent?
  4. gardener sankes
  5. Pathologically, if I lied to you, would lie down next to me?
  6. Quizzes give me the pisses, tests are like quests, some neat but I still can't complete.
  7. Y'know, these tests are fun to make, but y'know they are pretty hard. Well, not hard, but y'know more time consuming. Like I've made the results y'know and I'm on question 6 but y'know I'm not even half way done. So y'know I really appreciate you playing them.
  8. Yikes! I spilled coffee on my cat! Now what do I do?
  9. How many UFOs and you fold in five pieces in your old bedroom in old york.
  10. Blubregtrushbutydreguythupoltrasfresven.

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