I Need Advice, Please! | Comments

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  • i think that he still want to be friends with you but you're just interpreting his actions the wrong way. You might think he's staying away from you because he's mad at you, but really he might be trying to give you space because you had a headache. next time you see him, sit with him no matter what and act normal. only bring up the problem if HE askes about it, and say, " i really wasn't feeling well that day, sorry i it looked like I was trying to ignore you." But only say that if he asks. If not, let it be and hangout with him and i bet things will get back to normal soon! Don't worry almost everyone goes through this kind of situation.

    Good Luck!

  • i've been in this situation. Go up to him casually and then ask, " Sorry about the last couple of days. I really wasn't in a good mood and I needed my space. Sorry I should've told you before. And if it looked like I ignored you, I'm really sorry? Are we still friends?" Then hold out your hand

  • Try just having a normal conversation with him. If he still seems irritated, say, "Is everything okay?" And try to go from there. It seems like you guys are really good friends or he has a crush on you, so he would want to be around you. So maybe he thought that he was near you too much, and you were getting sick of him.


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