I Need A Little Help Please!

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Created by: Uh-huh
  1. Alright so I need some advice.
  2. Please comment what you think I should do.
  3. Ok so #1 I am a fourteen year old girl. I've been homeschooled my whole life until last month.
  4. My parents are super strict. Like, no talking to boys on the phone or texting friends or anything. I only feel like I have any freedom at school.
  5. I always listen and do what im supposed to do. But my parents still don't let me do anything. Well, there's this guy at my school. And I really like him.
  6. And today he gave me his number. The problem is, I already know that my parents will never let me text him.
  7. But I wouldn't be texting him anything dirty or anything! I really want to text him. Im not even going to tell my parents. They would take my phone.
  8. This is my first chance at a boyfriend. I don't want them to ruin it.
  9. So what should I do? Text him behind their backs? Don't text him?
  10. And how can I hide the fact that I'm texting him. If my parents think anything is off, I KNOW that they will check my phone.
  11. Please help!

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