I kin assign you a DSMP character other than Technoblade

Basically the original joke was that I was going to make a quiz about technoblade related topics and then assign you someone other than technoblade as a result-

However that was hard so this is just a basic ass kin assignment quiz for DreamSMP that made Techno super hard to get but you know what can you do? I hope you all get Schlatt.

Created by: Hawk
  1. How are you feeling?
  2. You regret anything?
  3. Aesthetic
  4. How many friends do you have- (or would like to)
  5. Pick a greek figure.
  6. Why are you fighting?
  7. Pick an old school MCYTer
  8. Pick a character my friends know
  9. Pick a Wilbur Soot
  10. When's the last time you read a book (fully-completed long fanfics count)
  11. If you had to be one of the following animals, which would you be?
  12. Minecraft flower- pick one.
  13. Do you think this is in any way accurate or balanced?

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