Which Sleepy Boy are you?

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This quiz is for you to know what Sleepy boy character you are. I hope you get a great score! I am really excited to know what you get if you would like to text me it you can find me on Twitter at @Skye_is_lost

The characters in this quiz are Ph1LzA (Minecraft), Technoblade, Wilbur Soot, TommyInIt, Tubbo_ and a special character! I hope you enjoy my quiz and I hope that you share your score with me!

Created by: SKEEEEEE
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What kind of music do you like?
  3. How tall are you?
  4. Who do you think you are? (This will not affect your answer btw)
  5. What is your favorite animal?
  6. Which SMP?
  7. L'Manburg, Dream team or Nothing
  8. What is your personality like in a friend group?
  9. What accessories do you want?
  10. American or British (or other)?

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Quiz topic: Which Sleepy Boy am I?
