I hate Justin Bieber (:

My quiz is about Justin Bieber if you like him you hate him, OR you just really kinda like him Or kinda unlike him. I hope you Enjoy my Quizz! XXXOOO

Do you hate him? Do like him? Or however you kind of like him. But not really. In a few minutes I'll show you if you LOVE him HATE him OR YEAH his okay.

Created by: Kattiee

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever had a crush on Jb?
  2. If someone gave you a picture of Jb would you...?
  3. If your Bff told you to come to a Jb concert with her, would you say...?
  4. If you saw Jb on the street would you...?
  5. If you got a Jb kit for your bd, what would you do with it?
  6. If you had to get married to JB would you..?
  7. If the whole world was with Jb's what would you do?
  8. If you saw a picture of Jb in the magazine, what would you do?
  9. If all of the worlds bill boards and magazines were filled with Jb on them, would you..?
  10. Did you like my Quiz? (:

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