i can guess if you like minecraft or not!

hi my name is jessie, and i just turned 12 this june...i have 3 siblings and- wha'?! a[no urls] quiz!tots forgot 'bout tha'! well in just a few question (10 in all) you will be amazed by how i can tell if you like minecraft or not! (you have to be! i worked hours on this quiz! but whatever...check my boobs hot messes! sorry somethin' wrong got into me! goo' luck!

hi my name is jessie, and i just turned 12 this june...i have 3 sinblings and- what'?! a[no urls] quiz! tots forgot 'bout tha'! wel in just a few questions (10 in all) you will be amazed by how i can tell if you like minecraft or not! (you have to be! i worked hours on this test!) ...check out my boobs hot messes! sorry! somethin' wrong got into me! wel, whatever! goo' luck ladies! and hot babes!

Created by: jessie and alexa
  1. have you ever done---it?
  2. okay second question!
  3. 'you ready for thiz won? (are you ready for this one?)
  4. do you know what: OMFG means?!
  5. do you think i'm awesome?
  6. do you even 'like' minecraft?
  7. do u friggin 'love' urself?
  8. by callin' meyh a dude, did u mean it?!
  9. 9th question!
  10. let it go! let it go! can't hold it b- me: wait...what?! you betta shut tha' crap up or i'm gonna rip ur neck off!

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