Which Minecraft Mob Are You?

Do you like Minecraft? Do you like Minecraft mobs? If both then, TAKE THIS QUIZ!! This quiz will tell you which Minecraft mob you would be if you were a Minecraft mob.

This quiz might not be totally accurate, but I have been playing Minecraft for 5 years, so I personally think it is accurate. If you take my quiz, then thank you!

Created by: LyraLuna
  1. You see a harmless sheep, what do you do?
  2. You come in contact with a player, what is your first action?
  3. You see water, what do you do about it?
  4. You find a player's nether portal, what do you do?
  5. What is your favorite color scheme?
  6. What is your enemy?
  7. Do you like lava?
  8. Do you like water?
  9. Where would you live?
  10. The FINAL QUESTION is... What would your name be?

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Quiz topic: Which Minecraft Mob am I?
