Hummuna Adventure

This Quiz is 100 percent crazy, confusing, zany, hummunaish, odd, and practicly every question is guessed. Unless your name is Kelsey.Kelsey is my friend. She wrote the quiz" How Crazy are you 2." Try that quiz out!

Are you a Hummunaist. Do you believe in having imaginary friends. Well then this is the quiz for you. Even if your not this quiz is still fun to take.

Created by: Lausey
  1. What war was Old Man Hummuna in?
  2. How many pounds did Baby Bartha weigh when she was born?
  3. Who did the Lonely Man lose in the song"Lonely Man"?
  4. How many owners did Bob have?
  5. How many survivors were there on the plane that crashed in which Tiny Tims family was on?
  6. Joseph Ginhigin is......
  7. True or False. Tiny Tim had a sister named Tiny Tina.
  8. What sport did Joseph Paperlen love?
  9. True or false. Baby Bartha loves milk.
  10. Was the Lonely Man a kidder or a bidder?

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