How WICK-TOWN Are You?

There Are many true Wickliffe residents. But few true WICK-TOWNERS! This Does not mean your are not true to wickliffe. It just means you need to brush up a little on WICK-TOWNS ins-and-outs!

What is a WICK-TOWNER? Are you a WICK-TOWNER? Do you know what it takes to be a true WICK-TOWNER? I hope so cause we will find out in just a few minutes!

Created by: Dee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What gas staion is always jumpin on the corner of lincon and euclid?
  2. Best bar in town?
  3. Oldest pizza joint?
  4. Where do you have to wait 2 hours to get ice cream in the summer?
  5. What park is behind city hall?
  6. Slow down when your driving past......cause the cops are always posted here.
  7. What is behind Borromeo?
  8. The Mayor of wickliffe is?
  9. Wickliffe high schools mascot?
  10. Speed limit on euclid ave.?

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Quiz topic: How WICK-TOWN am I?